LKA CH Show at NEC Birmingham 13.12.15 - Judge Drew Littlejohn
BEST OF BREED: 10033 COWPER Mrs J E Rothenborg Olav
Dog CC: 10033 COWPER Mrs J E Rothenborg Olav
Res Dog CC: 10051 HORNER, Mr J S & SIMMONDS, Mrs S P & MOTT Mrs M Am Gr Ch & Can Ch Kamgaard Kut Above (Imp USA)
Bitch CC: 10046 GRAY Miss B C Grasilva Gee's Quest
Res Bitch CC: 10055 MIDDLETON Mr B & Mrs L A Gokstadhaugen's Ea-lykke At Graythor (Imp Nor)
Best Puppy: 10053 MEDHURST Mr T & Mrs D Ellahyde Fine N'dandi
Best Veteran: 10041 GILBERT Mr C R Barlestone Ingolf.
Congratulations to all and aspecially to Jill Cowper for BOB OLAV and Linda Ann Middleton for res. bitch CC for Lykke